Taking your baby home from hospital is an exciting time. If your pregnancy and birth have been uncomplicated, you can expect to go home when safe to do so.

For uncomplicated births, discharge can occur from 4-6hrs, and Caesarean Sections can be discharged from 26-48hrs.

If an overnight stay is required, we will aim to plan yours and your baby’s discharge done by 10am, where possible.

Support when you go home

Midwives will continue to support you when you go home from hospital. A midwife from the Postnatal Care @ Home service will visit you in your home and assist you with feeding and discuss any concerns you may have with your postnatal health and that of your baby.

Further support is available from your local Maternal and Child Health Service when the Postnatal Care @ Home midwife has finished visiting. The Maternal and Child Health Service is a free service that is provided for children from birth to school age by local government. The Maternal and Child Health Service are notified by the hospital of your baby’s birth and then when you are discharged from the Postnatal Care @ Home service. The Maternal and Child Health Nurse will contact you within two weeks of your baby’s birth and arrange a time for her to visit you in your home. The Maternal and Child Health Nurse will monitor your baby’s growth and development and provide you with advice regarding feeding, parenting, and immunisation as well as offer you advice with your own health and well-being.

The Maternal and Child Health Service has a helpline for assisting you outside of business hours. The number of the service is 13 22 29.

Thinking about what support you need after your baby’s birth

There will be a time of adjustment after having a baby, you may be tired and it is helpful to be organised before you baby is born. Deciding what help you either want or need. Some things to consider might be

  • How long you think you may need help
  • What jobs are actually required to be done each day.
  • What jobs do you wish to do yourself
  • What jobs really have to be done and what can be left.
  • Preparing food for the freezer for when you just do not feel able to prepare a meal.
  • Who is available to support you with any of the above? If there aren’t any family or friends to help (and hiring assistance) then it may be necessary to prioritise and leave some jobs until you are more able to do them.

General Practitioner (GP)

You are advised to see your GP six weeks after giving birth. This visit is an opportunity to have both you and your baby physically checked and for you to discuss any problems or concerns.

Early Lactation Care Service (breastfeeding support)

Lactation consultants provide support and advice to families experiencing breastfeeding difficulties for babies up to six weeks of age. This free service is provided at University Hospital Geelong four days per week.

Page last updated: July 1, 2024